Embracing Education as a Marketing Strategy – CMI

http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/12/education-marketing-strategy/ dec 5


At Media Blitz, we are deeply involved in education – in assessing formal education systems, in promoting an educational approach to content marketing both for and by businesses, and in preparing and promoting educational content.

Here, CMI highlights some examples of businesses going beyond the educational blog and how-to videos and actually creating classes for their clientele.

The Content Marketing Institute Broadcasts our Winning Video Formula

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI)
published an article
that essentially confirms and promotes the winning short-form topical video format we have been using for our clients for the past 4 years or so, breaking it down step-by-step.

This is great… You need to know the right kind of video. You also need to know how to get it done while running your business, and how to get it published the right way, AND THAT IS WHERE WE COME IN. Read the article, then CONTACT MEDIA BLITZ to learn more about how Video Content Marketing can work for you.


Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Video Content Investment – CMI

http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/10/video-content-investment/ oct 24


There are a multitude of reasons you need video content, and many more ways to use that content. This article by The Content Marketing Institute lists many of the reasons that you may not have even considered yet. We specialize in video content marketing, and we are here to assist you in implementing these effective approaches highlighted in the article.

Adults Watch Nearly 40 Minutes of Mobile Video Each Day


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

ReelSEO published an article last year highlighting YouTube’s priority on Mobile Video. The article cited a study by eMarketer predicting the average adult would watch 39 minutes of mobile video per day in 201517 minutes on smartphones and 22 minutes on tablets.

While “lean back” video consumption will account for some of this mobile video viewing, much of this mobile viewing behavior is the result of engaged, “lean-forward” searching for informative video in the course of daily activities. Your target customers are equipped with the ability to search for video on the spot. Are you anticipating the questions they will have by preparing quality videos answering these questions before they ask them?

Are you publishing videos on a regular basis to establish authority both with search engines and with your target customers? Are you placing videos throughout your website on relevant pages and in blog posts so your target customers will find and benefit from your videos once they are on your website?

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

You Need Customer-Centric Videos

you need customer-centric videos

CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

You have heard that you need video. You may have heard that you need many videos. Perhaps you have been told you need customer-centric videos.

All of these are true, and we have a program that gets all of this done in an effective, streamlined process. It is also efficient for you in the preparation process, during production, and in the publishing phase of your videos. We know what you need, we coach you and explain what you need to provide and do to prepare for the shoot, and we help you make the most of your knowledge in the form of concise videos covering niche customer concerns.

You need video because it is the preferred form of online communication in the mobile internet age. Your customers want information in their preferred format, and most prefer video – especially the younger demographic, which represents a growing number of your future customers.

You need many videos. Not just one. Not just a few. You need a consistently growing number of videos. These are not long, 10-minute videos, and they are not choppy, 30-second videos. They need to be just right: averaging between 2 and 4 minutes. That gives you time to make a few important points that answer the questions your customers want to ask.

It may sound like a no-brainer to say your marketing should be customer-centric, but much of marketing message has historically centered on the brand, product, or service – not the customer. Given, those messages were often placed where the ideal customer would encounter them and hopefully have their interest piqued, but the game has been changingYour customers are online, and they are there because of their interests, so you need to match those interests. Being customer-centric means creating video content that you anticipate your customers will want… and appreciate!

This is not like shooting a television advertisement about what your company is or does, then putting it online. It is communicating to your customers with a customer-service mindset.

So yes, you need many customer-centric videos, and it takes some work on your part, but the work and stress can be minimized if you go about it in the right way.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Will My Videos Go Viral?


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

Anyone within earshot of the news or pop culture hears talk of “going viral” as a measure of success in online video. Someone who does not know better may be inclined to believe that his video content produced and published for video content marketing purposes should be judged by the same standard. When Videos go viral, they are the exceptions. While it is great if one of your videos goes viral for the right reasons, that is not even a part of the strategy in most video content marketing. Videos that go viral may have a lot of “reach”, but they typically lack relevance for a specific searcher’s needs

The correct strategy is to provide niche information and niche solutions for exactly the type of customers and types of questions or problems they are facing. The goal is to educate and help your ideal customer to build loyalty so these people become paying clients.

Online video is accessible to a very large number of people. Viral videos reach a lot of those people. However, online video also offers the opportunity to meet online searchers with information that is very relevant to their specific needs. If you publish lots of new relevant information consistently, your chances of making successful connections continually multiply.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

The Total Experience: Customer Relationships & The Role of Content Marketing


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

One issue that comes up from time to time when we are working with a new company and explaining what NRV and Video Content Marketing are all about is that a company’s marketing department is set in its own ways of doing things, and they think about marketing as if their established marketing rituals satisfy the “marketing” task on a business checklist… That is an easy trap to fall into when you are small business or department stretching your resources.

Well, the marketing environment is constantly changing as the market itself changes, and there is always something else you could be doing to improve your marketing. A trick to seizing these opportunities effectively is to make wise, educated decisions while leveraging your current strengths, abilities, and assets.

Marketing is changing, and human behavior is changing at an amazing speed relative to the previous millenia. Technology, communication, and the resulting organizational strategies in all areas of life have an effect on this. You need to meet your customers where they are, and on their terms. In this ever-changing environment, wise and educated decisions tend to hinge on knowing “what is next”…

A quote from a recent CMI article succinctly describes what is next in marketing:

To put it bluntly: To succeed, marketing departments must themselves evolve. They must not only serve to describe the value that has been theoretically created in the product or service for sale, but also to create differentiated experiential value that is separate and distinct from that product or service.

What better way to create this experience and value than through content marketing that harnesses the power of multimedia in a way optimized for the target market’s preferences and tendencies? Video Content Marketing does not require the viewers to do additional work of scrolling and reading; they can instead be an active listener with the added benefit of visual imagery that lets you show them exactly what you mean to tell them.

What is that worth? Some would say, “a thousand words”, and I don’t dispute that, but it is also worth whatever subjective value any searcher looking for answers will assign to your assistance. It is a way for companies to reinvigorate the customer-company connection in the age of digital disconnect – the internet era’s version of face-to-face, in-store customer service. Helpful, targeted information provided to your target customers can help you build the “total experience” that must surround your product or service in today’s economy.

You already know your business. You have the opportunity to meet your customers where they are and explain answers to their questions that create value for your company in their minds. That is your role in content marketing. The total experience for your company or brand is driven by content. What is next for marketing is for you to get involved.

Read the full CMI article HERE.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

The Importance of Placing Videos on Your Website Pages With Thumbnail Images & Play Buttons


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

It cannot be overstated how important it is to place videos on your website pages and to show you have them by using thumbnail images with play buttons. (The same goes for your blog posts!)

Perhaps you understand it is important to have helpful and educational videos for your company; in fact, it is very likely that is why you are reading this article right now. We have a wealth of information here for you that will help you and others in your company to more fully understand why that is true. However, many businesses and professionals will go through the steps of planning, creating, and even publishing these types of videos, but they fail to complete an extremely important and beneficial step in the distribution of their finished videos: They fail to embed their videos on their company’s website pages.

Visitors to your website appreciate having videos prepared that will explain answers to their questions or to explain the topic covered on a page of the website. For example, a personal injury firm may have a page on auto accidents, and they should have videos on that page explaining answers to common questions from clients and visitors regarding what they can do if they find themselves in such a situation, as well as an explanation of the processes that will likely be involved.

Most embedded video players, including YouTube, will display a “play” button over the video player or representative image (often called a thumbnail image) to indicate it is a playable video. If your video player does not show such a play button, then you need to prepare a thumbnail image, complete with a superimposed play button. Embed code for most players – including YouTube – is readily available, and can be pasted into the “html” or “text” of a website. Your webmaster should know what to do if you ask for it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us at NRV – We will be happy to explain it to you further.

Such an educational video could and should also be embedded in its own blog article, with the text below the embedded video supporting the content of the video itself. One common mistake when posting videos to blog articles is to fail to represent that there are videos in the blog’s preview. That is, many blogging platforms allow the webmaster to control how much of each article is shown before the visitor clicks on the article itself, and many times no thumbnail image is there to represent the video content. Or, if there is a thumbnail image, there is no play button. It is advisable to include either the embedded video in the blog article preview itself or to include a representative thumbnail with a play button. One may even go so far as to include “(Video)” in the article headline or include a “video” icon that makes it clear the visitor has the option to watch a video… The visitor will be more likely to click through to the article, to stay on the page longer, to appreciate the information and have a positive experience… And, this also positively affects your website’s SEO.

To recap:

  • Your company needs informative and educational videos
  • You need to embed those videos on your website’s topic pages
  • You need to embed those videos in blog articles (published consistently as new content, along with your videos – Search engines love that for SEO!)
  • You need to make it visibly clear that these videos are available, using video embed code and/or thumbnail images with superimposed “play” buttons.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

The Fold Still Matters in Web Design and Visitor Experience

the fold still matters

CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

Here is some great info on how important it is to use the real estate ‘above the fold’ wisely. Keep this study of over 57,000 eye-fixations in mind next time someone says, “it’s 2015… people are more apt to scroll down your webpage now”. The study essentially found that content just above the bottom of the screen (aka “the fold” – a concept taken from print newspapers) is over twice as likely to be viewed as the content just below that point.

There often must be an incentive beyond sheer curiosity for a visitor to scroll further down the page. The visitor is likely looking for something. Either you have promised it somewhere above the fold, or they’re searching on hope and faith that they will find it if they keep scrolling…

Also keep in mind today’s responsive themes can feature as many as 4 or more “folds” to accommodate display on different sizes of screens, so it is often advisable to link to important videos and content above the “fold” so evidence of these items appears on the screen for as many different device/orientation combinations as possible. The fold still matters, but the “fold” is now a moving boundary relative to a visitor’s device and landscape/portrait orientation. A visitor’s experience and resulting actions are heavily influenced by which content is on the screen before further actions are required. If there are certain actions you seek from your visitors, use this space accordingly.

Read the full Nielsen article HERE.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

What You Need to Start a Business Vlog


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

CMI recently published an article about what you need to start and maintain a healthy business blog. Many of these same points apply in the case of a business video blog, or business vlog. Actually, if you have a blog, you should make it a video blog for purposes of user experience, SEO, and content searchability. People prefer video, and it is even better when video and text complement each other.

So, you ask: what do you need? You need your company – particularly your superiors – to buy into the idea of using video blogging and video content marketing in general. You also need ideas. Lots of ideas. You need a steady flow of ideas, and these need to be organized and developed into articles and video topics according to a content plan and content calendar, which will include all sorts of information related to the content, its development and its publication. Of course, for a video blog, you also need to have the videos made, and your videos need to be of a high enough quality that they inspire trust and loyalty in the viewers. You will need your vlog (video blog) to be optimized, and your videos themselves will also need to be optimized on YouTube.

With over 25 years of experience in the video industry, dating back to the genesis of Direct Response TV infomercials and the lead generation market, combined with over 5 years of experience creating video content marketing packages for professionals, New Relevant Video is uniquely qualified and positioned to assist you with a turnkey approach to video content marketing. We have done this before, and our approach covers all the bases. We brainstorm with you and organize your topics. We use our experience to format the approach based on what works. We professionally shoot and edit the videos, and we manage the optimized publishing of these videos and related content, based on your chosen product plan.

Do you have questions? We have answers for your questions! Contact us for information about how to get started doing video content marketing the right way!

The full CMI article on business blogs can be read HERE.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Send Relevant Video Playlists to Customers


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

There are ways in which your video marketing strategy can integrate with the operations of your business beyond what you may perceive as the boundaries of your marketing department. As your videos are customer-centered and answer the types of questions potential customers may have for the people answering your phones or making early contacts with target customers, these employees should be equipped with video as a tool to build on that initial connection.

Any time a target customer interacts with your customer service department is a good time to provide them with your prepared video playlists that are relevant to the topic at hand. For example, if you are a personal injury law firm and someone contacts your office regarding a potential dog bite case, you can provide them with the link to your video playlist on dog bites.

This serves to build trust and answer many of the questions they may not have even thought of yet, and they will more knowledgeable and will be better prepared to proceed if they have a valid case. It is also a good customer service policy, as it serves to make your customer more comfortable with your company’s expertise regarding the issue or concern.

NRV’s Video Content Library programs include such video playlists for your target customers. Video content is a tool that you can use by equipping and encouraging employees in all customer-facing positions.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Run Your Business While Implementing Video Marketing


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

You are busy with your business. You know you need video, and you understand that you need to implement video content marketing with a clear plan. However, you are finding it is difficult to follow through. You probably do not have a video producer in house that has a clear understanding of video content marketing and a vision of how to apply it within your company.

Perhaps you have tried to do video, but have become distracted by other work, and consistent publishing of new and helpful video content has been delayed. Or, perhaps you want to begin publishing educational information for your customers, but you do not have the time and resources to do it effectively at the scale your target customers demand. What you need is to run your business while implementing video marketing.

At NRV, we have the solution: Our Turn-Key Video Content Library program works with you to produce a series of helpful and informative videos your target customers are already searching for – and are currently not finding on your website. With a small investment of your time, we coordinate with you and your team to produce several months’ worth of videos and supporting written content that can and should be displayed on your company’s blog, website pages, and social media platforms. These are also great tools for qualifying and following up with customers.

As we release your videos for you month after month (following your initial one-day video shoot), you will develop an entire library of information in the preferred format of internet searchers on both desktop computers and mobile devices – video. By offering help – not hype, you create a bond with your target customers before you meet them face to face, and you can prepare answers to their common questions for an immediate and searchable customer service experience. This is an opportunity to put your best foot forward, and ahead of your competitors that are either not utilizing video or are doing it wrong.

With over 5 years of producing and publishing these kinds of videos for our clients, you get the benefit of a proven formula that also builds on nearly 30 years of video marketing from the early days of cable television, optimized for engagement with today’s information-hungry internet searchers. You are an expert on your business, and you have the information your target customers are craving. Use that to your advantage with video – with only a small initial time investment – and then focus on your business while we deliver your video content on schedule to your target customers and your web/marketing team.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Jury Awards $70 Million After Baby Powder Caused Ovarian Cancer – Topical Lawyer Video Example

The video above is an example of the type of topical lawyer videos we can complete and publish for you and your law firm. It would appear on the firm’s website embedded on relevant pages and sections of the site, embedded in their blog articles, on their YouTube Channel and other video platforms of their choice, and in search results on YouTube, Google, and elsewhere. They allow the speaker/firm to BE the deliverer of desired content featuring expert information searchers are looking for in today’s digital economy.

We help you to plan your topics, we coordinate the shoot, and we edit and publish your videos according to a strategic schedule. See our VCM 101 to learn about how our Video Content Marketing Programs are the cornerstone of an effective digital marketing strategy that supercharges your website, social media, SEO, and email efforts while positioning YOU as a helpful and trusted expert in your field.


  • Your target customers are searching for information related to what you offer.
  • This gives you an opportunity to be the one who gives them useful information.
  • Video Content Marketing engages your target audience with a combination of Customer Service, Marketing, and a Multimedia User Experience where your target customer is looking for information – Online.
  • Websites without video are incomplete. Your website should have videos explaining products & services, videos embedded with articles in your active company blog, and a video library presenting all of your video content in an easy-to-search format.
  • Website visitors spend 88% more time on websites that have video.
  • People are 70% more likely to watch a video than read print.
  • Internet searchers and website visitors are engaged in active, “Lean-Forward” behavior, which is very different from the more passive “Lean-Back” behavior of traditional media like Television. Simply placing your television ads on your website or YouTube Channel does not meet the needs of your customers online. You need to have video content prepared that informs, educates, explains, & answers their questions.
  • YouTube Videos come up in the Search Results for Google, the world’s largest search engine.
  • YouTube is also the world’s Second-Largest Search Engine, and is owned by Google (the largest).
  • Your videos can be uploaded natively and/or shared through other video & social media platforms to maximize your presence, reach, and engagement.
  • The future of Internet Content is Video. Both Desktop users and especially Mobile users prefer video. Video is the best storytelling medium, and it is easier to listen than to continuously scroll and read. Anyone that does not embrace Video Content Marketing will be at a competitive disadvantage. Starting a Video Content Marketing program now works to your company’s competitive advantage.

What Is The Right Duration of a Video?


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

What is the right duration of a video when it comes to video content marketing? Surveying business videos by companies attempting to publish useful and educational videos for their clients, you may encounter quick Q&A videos under 10 seconds and long-winded videos over 10 minutes. With few exceptions, these durations are wrong for video content marketing because the viewer experience tends to be dominated by frustration.

Viewers are generally looking for a clear and concise answer to a question or a solution to a dilemma they are facing. They are best served if they walk away from the video with a path to a solution, and the business is best served by video content that creates a happy customer.

In terms of duration, the sweet spot for achieving this result is usually between 2 and 3 minutes. The really short and choppy videos cannot provide much information, so the viewer is immediately left hunting for the rest of the information elsewhere… That’s not very satisfying! Similarly, a 10 minute video is likely to contain unnecessary information or too much information in response to a niche question. While this can vary based on the nature of the topic, this is the kind of thinking that is necessary when approaching the question of how to frame your video content.

The delivery is an important part of the service to the customer. Think of any restaurant you have visited – if they take too long, are rude, serve your food too hot or too cold, bring the wrong food, or spill it on you, you’re not too happy. Give the customer what they want in a concise and effective manner.

We have done of this type of video for our clients for over five years, and we have the format down. We also know what else is needed to serve the viewer. We optimize the experience to be most useful to the customer, while also arming our clients with the optimum supporting content they need to get the most out of their new videos.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Provide Educational Content – Be a Teacher That Helps People Right When They Need It!

provide educational content-be a teacher

CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

Think about your friends. I’m talking about those friends who are always there to help you when you need assistance, those friends who have useful information and connections when you have a problem and need answers right away… Friends with experience and applicable knowledge.

Wouldn’t you like to be that kind of friend for your ideal customers? You can do this if you provide educational content.

You know your business and what your customers deal with. You have answered myriad questions in the course of your work, and you have the opportunity to present information that helps your customers make decisions that can convert to sales while inspiring loyalty to your company or brand. The combination of useful information available online in a professional video format and the emotional satisfaction that comes from clear information immediately available upon request inspires a significant reaction in your ideal customers, who are searching online for this information.

You can build a platform and be their teacher. You can have this information ready when they need it.

Fill out the form below to learn how to get started!

Online Video is the Future and Present of Content Marketing


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

The predictions are coming true, and then some: Online video is the Future and Present of Content Marketing.

In January 2014, The Guardian published an article titled, “Why online video is the future of content marketing”, and many of the claims and predictions have come true or are on track to surpass the earlier projections.

The article begins by asking, “If it were five years in the future, would you be reading this article, or would you be watching it?” It then cites Cisco’s prediction that by 2017 video will account for 69% of consumer internet traffic. In 2014, 64% of the world’s internet traffic was video. It is now over two years later. Cisco is now saying video will be 80% of the world’s internet traffic by 2019. The same projection for the United States is 85%.

Engage viewers and they will share the video with others. They will spend longer on your website and more time interacting with your brand. For any social media campaign, any SEO exercise, video is without doubt one of the best tools in the kit … It is naturally engaging and, in an age of information overload, it’s vital for small businesses to offer content that is easy to digest; if not, consumers will simply move on. Video does this very well.

The Guardian article closes by emphasizing that video production has become accessible, to ensure your video topics are relevant to your audience, and to be sure to use the tool to connect with your target customers across multiple channels, including social media. These are all major points around which NRV has built its programs.

To read The Guardian’s Video Content Marketing article from 2014, CLICK HERE

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Who is Responsible for a Truck Accident? – Topical Lawyer Video Example

The video above is an example of the type of topical lawyer videos we can complete and publish for you and your law firm. It would appear on the firm’s website embedded on relevant pages and sections of the site, embedded in their blog articles, on their YouTube Channel and other video platforms of their choice, and in search results on YouTube, Google, and elsewhere. They allow the speaker/firm to BE the deliverer of desired content featuring expert information searchers are looking for in today’s digital economy.

We help you to plan your topics, we coordinate the shoot, and we edit and publish your videos according to a strategic schedule. See our VCM 101 to learn about how our Video Content Marketing Programs are the cornerstone of an effective digital marketing strategy that supercharges your website, social media, SEO, and email efforts while positioning YOU as a helpful and trusted expert in your field.


  • Your target customers are searching for information related to what you offer.
  • This gives you an opportunity to be the one who gives them useful information.
  • Video Content Marketing engages your target audience with a combination of Customer Service, Marketing, and a Multimedia User Experience where your target customer is looking for information – Online.
  • Websites without video are incomplete. Your website should have videos explaining products & services, videos embedded with articles in your active company blog, and a video library presenting all of your video content in an easy-to-search format.
  • Website visitors spend 88% more time on websites that have video.
  • People are 70% more likely to watch a video than read print.
  • Internet searchers and website visitors are engaged in active, “Lean-Forward” behavior, which is very different from the more passive “Lean-Back” behavior of traditional media like Television. Simply placing your television ads on your website or YouTube Channel does not meet the needs of your customers online. You need to have video content prepared that informs, educates, explains, & answers their questions.
  • YouTube Videos come up in the Search Results for Google, the world’s largest search engine.
  • YouTube is also the world’s Second-Largest Search Engine, and is owned by Google (the largest).
  • Your videos can be uploaded natively and/or shared through other video & social media platforms to maximize your presence, reach, and engagement.
  • The future of Internet Content is Video. Both Desktop users and especially Mobile users prefer video. Video is the best storytelling medium, and it is easier to listen than to continuously scroll and read. Anyone that does not embrace Video Content Marketing will be at a competitive disadvantage. Starting a Video Content Marketing program now works to your company’s competitive advantage.

Mobile YouTube Viewers Average 40 Minute Sessions


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

Google’s Second Quarter 2015 Results show that the average duration of a YouTube viewing session on mobile devices has jumped up to 40 minutes. When you factor in how many people use their smartphone to quickly look up a single short video out of on-the-go convenience, that means there are a significant portion of those mobile YouTube sessions that are much longer than the 40 minutes mobile YouTube viewers Average!

We know mobile internet use has been steadily increasing, and we know that most mobile users prefer video over text, so these numbers make sense. Mobile YouTube viewers you are seeking are likely to spend large sections of their time there before moving on to other activities. They could be watching your videos, or they could be watching someone else’s videos. If you provide the right kind of content and provide it the right way, they are much more likely to spend that time watching your videos!

When we plan out and optimize our videos for our clients, we do so with a strategy of keeping our clients’ customers watching the videos in succession. Before the shoot day, we are planning the videos with the customer’s needs and viewing experience in mind. Your customers have questions, and they are looking for answers. If they don’t find all the answers they need on the first video they watch, they are going to look elsewhere.

We optimize the viewer’s experience so they end up viewing your videos that do answer all of their questions. We also make it easy for the viewer to extend the customer relationship far beyond the YouTube viewing session. You provide the answers and a customer experience that makes them want to work with you when they are ready to make that step.

Read the ReelSEO article reporting Google’s Second Quarter 2015 Results HERE

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!

Important Steps to Take at the Scene of an Accident – Topical Lawyer Video Example

The video above is an example of the type of topical lawyer videos we can complete and publish for you and your law firm. It would appear on the firm’s website embedded on relevant pages and sections of the site, embedded in their blog articles, on their YouTube Channel and other video platforms of their choice, and in search results on YouTube, Google, and elsewhere. They allow the speaker/firm to BE the deliverer of desired content featuring expert information searchers are looking for in today’s digital economy.

We help you to plan your topics, we coordinate the shoot, and we edit and publish your videos according to a strategic schedule. See our VCM 101 to learn about how our Video Content Marketing Programs are the cornerstone of an effective digital marketing strategy that supercharges your website, social media, SEO, and email efforts while positioning YOU as a helpful and trusted expert in your field.


  • Your target customers are searching for information related to what you offer.
  • This gives you an opportunity to be the one who gives them useful information.
  • Video Content Marketing engages your target audience with a combination of Customer Service, Marketing, and a Multimedia User Experience where your target customer is looking for information – Online.
  • Websites without video are incomplete. Your website should have videos explaining products & services, videos embedded with articles in your active company blog, and a video library presenting all of your video content in an easy-to-search format.
  • Website visitors spend 88% more time on websites that have video.
  • People are 70% more likely to watch a video than read print.
  • Internet searchers and website visitors are engaged in active, “Lean-Forward” behavior, which is very different from the more passive “Lean-Back” behavior of traditional media like Television. Simply placing your television ads on your website or YouTube Channel does not meet the needs of your customers online. You need to have video content prepared that informs, educates, explains, & answers their questions.
  • YouTube Videos come up in the Search Results for Google, the world’s largest search engine.
  • YouTube is also the world’s Second-Largest Search Engine, and is owned by Google (the largest).
  • Your videos can be uploaded natively and/or shared through other video & social media platforms to maximize your presence, reach, and engagement.
  • The future of Internet Content is Video. Both Desktop users and especially Mobile users prefer video. Video is the best storytelling medium, and it is easier to listen than to continuously scroll and read. Anyone that does not embrace Video Content Marketing will be at a competitive disadvantage. Starting a Video Content Marketing program now works to your company’s competitive advantage.

Marketing Tips to Stand Out From The Crowd


CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!

Legal marketer Larry Bodine recently published an article with 5 marketing tips to stand out from the crowd. The article is targeted to attorneys, and is focused on the interests of people who are seeking a lawyer, but the main points of the article apply to nearly any company with a web presence and a need to attract customers. Some of the main points from the article will be highlighted and explored below.

If someone needs your service or product to solve an issue they are addressing, he is most likely to search the internet for solutions and answers to their questions. Most people almost always have their mobile devices (smart phones) with them, and your website and web presence need to be in place and ready to perform for you. That means your site needs to be mobile-friendly, displaying and functioning well on both desktop computers and on mobile devices.

Your website needs to engage visitors with free and helpful information, and most visitors expect to find this information. Some of this information may be provided in exchange for contact information provided by the visitor in a form. Other information can come in the form of blogging and video, which will also serve to help optimize your website for your local market when done correctly. You need to have a steady stream of written and video content. Your videos can be done in coordination with blog articles, as in NRV’s Video Content Library programs.

Mr. Bodine points out that your blogs can include written articles, videos, podcasts, and infographics. You may even take the step of launching a stand-alone public interest site for presenting information relevant to your line of work, and it can be sponsored and managed by your company. One key to this approach is providing information that your customers want, and another key is that representatives from your company respond when visitors contact or interact with the site. Automated follow-up can also be integrated into your website, collecting a list of information on potential customers while allowing for an immediate customer service response that can make a difference when your target customers are shopping around.

Your marketing budget should be focused on content, which builds authority and visibility for both target customers and search engines. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and continued SEO services are more likely to drain your money with nothing to show for it. After the initial SEO is done – usually at or near the launch of your website – the best way to improve on that SEO is by offering consistent relevant content, building up an authoritative information library.

CLICK HERE to read the original article by Larry Bodine

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!