Harvard Adopts Online Education – Ron Paul Curriculum

This posting originally appeared at https://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/public/10435.cfm?affID=mediablitz
Ron Paul – March 14, 2020

This week, Harvard University and Stanford University told their students not to return after spring break. For the rest of the semester, they will be getting their educations online at home.

I understand the concern of these universities. The coronavirus is spreading. While it is mainly a threat to people who are over 70, which means my generation, students in classrooms are certainly at greater risk than they are at home.

Harvard and Stanford are making an implicit assumption: online education is still worth $60,000 a year. That’s what the costs for parents whose children do not get scholarships.

Harvard and Stanford have now validated distance learning education. Both schools have abandoned classroom-based education for the remainder of the semester. I applaud them.

Is online education as good as classroom-based education? Maybe not in nuclear physics and organic chemistry, but it is in the humanities and social sciences. That is why I started my online curriculum in 2013.

If online homeschooling is good enough for Harvard and Stanford, it’s good enough for all of America’s children.

Here is an interview on earning a bachelor’s degree at home for under $15,000. Dr. Gary North, who is director of curriculum development for this curriculum, interviewed Bradley Fish in 2015. Bradley received his bachelor’s degree from an accredited college in the month he turned 18. He had been home schooled. He spent under $12,000. He paid for this himself. He did it by distance learning.

Dr. North hired him to produce courses on how to do this.

Learn more about Ron Paul Curriculum at www.ronpaulcurriculum.com