Upload Your Videos Natively to FaceBook


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You may or may not have heard of “Native Videos” or “Uploading Videos Natively”, but all this really means is that for whatever platform to which you are posting an online video, you would be uploading the video file directly through their interface. For FaceBook, this would mean using their video upload interface to upload the file, and NOT copying and pasting a YouTube URL.

I don’t want you to get the mistaken belief that copying and pasting a YouTube video URL is a bad thing in itself – It’s not; it can actually increase the reach of the YouTube version of your video… However, FaceBook has become biased towards “native” videos that live in their system, and it treats them very differently. In the FaceBook environment, the same video uploaded natively to FaceBook is more likely to be noticed and viewed by more people. Therefore, you should upload native videos to FaceBook.

Natively uploaded FaceBook videos autoplay silently in a FaceBook user’s news feed, and clicking on the silently auto-playing video starts the sound. The motion is likely to catch one’s attention, and words on the screen can be read as it silently plays. Users on FaceBook recognize it as a video, and all of this may pique their interest. In contrast, a YouTube URL, while playable as embedded in FaceBook upon clicking, will only show a static thumbnail image.

Native uploads reach twice as many people, get three times as many shares, and get seven times as many comments on FaceBook

FaceBook also prioritizes the content it displays in users’ news feeds, and it is biased toward displaying videos natively uploaded to FaceBook. YouTube and FaceBook are now competitors for online video on the web. Each has its strengths, strategies, and priorities, but it does not make sense for FaceBook to encourage its users to leave the FaceBook environment to watch a YouTube video, which could happen any time a YouTube video is clicked in a FaceBook feed.

If you are still not sold, you should also know that Search Engine Journal studies show these native uploads reach twice as many people, get three times as many shares, and get seven times as many comments on FaceBook.

You could upload natively to FaceBook AND share YouTube videos on FaceBook. If your company is not using your videos on social media, you should recognize you are missing out on a great opportunity for more reach. If you are, you should recognize the opportunity to optimize your video sharing practices.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!