CLICK ABOVE to Read the full article from The Video Content Marketing Guru!
CMI recently published an article explaining several common mistakes businesses make in their content marketing. These are points that all businesses engaging in content marketing should understand, whether you are already doing content marketing yourself or are considering starting a content marketing program. Have you made these content marketing mistakes?
1. Quitting
2. Neglecting quality for quantity
3. Not marketing your content
4. Not offering relevant content
5. Failing to call to action
If you read NRV‘s blog regularly, you know we emphasize that consistent publication of new relevant content – especially video – is essential to an effective content marketing program. Search engines recognize if you are consistently publishing new relevant video content over time. Publishing everything at once and then doing nothing else for a long time does not establish you as a source of relevant information for searchers that are looking for more information. It can take some time to see a return, but this long-tail, big picture perspective is integral to content marketing strategy.
In your effort to build a large amount of content to establish your presence, you don’t want to neglect quality. Your content needs to be helpful to your target customers, and search engines analyze your content, as well. Your content should be well-written, informative, and helpful, with a customer service focus.
Many businesses fail to market their content after it has been created and published. A big part of marketing your content is distribution. Your written content should be on your website and in blog posts. Your videos should be embedded on relevant pages and in blog posts. You should be pushing your content to your social media platforms and engaging others online with your messages and information. Such a mistake could be a result of lack of understanding or of economics and budgeting. Well, now you know, so strike that first excuse… Whether you are creating your own content or working with a video content marketing company like NRV, you need to make use of your video and written content by distributing it in relevant locations.
It is important that your content is relevant to your target customers’ wants and needs. Your content needs to be something they want to read, hear or watch. If they aren’t consuming your existing content, maybe you need to change something in your format, presentation, or strategy. At NRV, we are experts at identifying and planning relevant content for your business, so don’t hesitate to give us a call if you would like some help with the direction of your content marketing efforts.
Searchers looking for useful information expect to be presented with one or more next steps to take toward resolution of the issue(s) at hand. You need to include a call-to-action to tell them what they should do next. We always include CTAs in our video content marketing programs, and we can optimize your video content marketing efforts for both your target customers and your business. Actually, NRV’s Video Content Library product is designed to bridge most of these common pitfalls for you and your business.
You can read CMI’s original article HERE
Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!