Alt-Tech Platforms and Solutions

Alt-Tech platforms and solutions:

Alt-Tech is the loosely-coordinated effort to provide and ensure a decentralized and unbiased alternative to the recentralized and censorious Big Tech conspiracy to consolidate power and eliminate the decentralized “wild west” effect that defined the internet in its early years. That decentralization is the natural tendency of online behavior, as it inherently provides alternatives to the calcified legacy media such as we find on TV, Hollywood, and the corrupted radio, publishing, and education industries.

Popular and growing platforms and services in Alt-Tech include (an alterantive to Facebook), (an alternative to YouTube), (an alternative to Twitter), (the comments section of the internet, a Disqus alternative and comments facilitator), DuckDuckGo and StartPage (search engines to replace Google), ProtonMail (an email service), and Brave Browser (an internet browser that also can read TOR websites and therefore weakens censorship efforts).

TOR and DAT are among the decentralized hosting efforts being pursued as many website hosting services have begun to bow to moneyed influencers that seek to weaken threats to their socioeconomic power on the internet and beyond.

MINDS.COM functions similarly to Facebook, though it also serves as a blog publishing and discovery platform. The video feature is being improved, and there is gamification of engagement such that you earn points for your actions on the platform that help to grow it. is very free-speech oriented and against the heavy-handed censorship found on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

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Especially in the wake of recent deplatforming raids by YouTube, BitChute has been rising exponentially in popularity. Bitchute is built on blockchain, so hosting is distributed to prevent silencing of voices. This also eliminates a lot of overhead costs, whereas services like YouTube have to cover hosting for millions of new videos added every day… This can have some effect on playback and usability, but the service has steadily improved.

While at the time of writing BitChute is dominated by alternative and dissident video content, it is expected to become the default alternative to the increasingly censored and centralized TV-oriented YouTube. Whereas YouTube is trying to be an interactive Cable TV 2.0, BitChute is a free-speech oriented version of what YouTube originally was – a place where you can upload your own video content to be hosted, shared, and discovered online. Businesses using video marketing would do well to get involved with BitChute early, but they should do so in good faith and in common with BitChute’s unadulturated philosophy.

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Whereas has suffered coordinated media attacks from the lying fakestream media companies to which they are a threat, is essentially the free-speech version of Twitter. (Twitter, you may recall, initially took the previously unheard-of step of permanently banning Milo Yiannopoulous in 2015… Since then, Twitter has accelerated its banning and shadow-banning behavior while artificially boosting corrosive far-left and globohomo content, hashtags, and headlines.

Gab needs to broaden its userbase beyond its reputation for dissident content to be more like what Twitter was in the early years when it claimed to be a facilitator of “free speech” – and newer features such as the Gab Trends news service (similar to Drudge Report but with a cleaner interface) and the spinoff Dissenter comment facilitator and internet browser may help to position it accordingly. If not, another Twitter alternative will likely arise in its place.

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DISSENTER.COM is a project of Gab, and it is known as “The comments section of the internet”… One can log in to and then post comments on any web page or article – even if comments have been disabled.

You may be aware that in the effort to prevent contrary opinions many major keepers of the narrative delete comments, ban commenters, or disable comments altogether. This is a way around that censorship that allows alternative views to be heard and spread regarding content on any given webpage or online article. Dissenter may play a growing role in Online Reputation Management in the future.

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DUCKDUCKGO.COM is a search engine (alternative to Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc) that does not store any of your information and claims to present non-biased search results. Privacy is considered paramount.

It is notable, however, that many of the DuckDuckGo search results seem about as PC-biased and cyberturfed as Google’s search results… Whether DuckDuckGo is using the same or similar SEO algorithms and indicators when reviewing and presenting websites is yet to be determined…

Real people will need a real search engine that works properly, and mimicking Google would be a recipe for disaster. DuckDuckGo’s popularity has risen greatly in past years, but if they don’t correct this another competitor will likely take their place.

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STARTPAGE.COM is another search engine (alternative to Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc) that is privacy-oriented.

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ProtonMail is a free (paid tiers available) email service that emphasises privacy, contrary to other popular services like Gmail and Yahoo mail that use your email info to serve you advertisements and to do who knows what else.

ProtonMail has origins related to the particle collider, and it should be noted that resetting your password causes you to lose all of your previous emails. That’s taking security to a new level… Just make sure you remember your password!

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ProtonMail offers a free VPN service that operates on a privacy-oriented philosophy similar to that of ProtonMail. With a trusted VPN, you gain additional privacy for your online behavior, whereas your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and other snooping entities ranging from innocent to malevolent and hostile may seek to track your information for various purposes. VPNs can serve the philosophy of a free and open internet while maintaining your privacy.

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Brave is an internet browser similar to Chrome or Firefox, but with more privacy (not owned by Google like Chrome is, and not working with George Soros like Firefox’s parent company Mozilla is!).

Brave also offers more features, including the ability to read TOR websites. TOR is expected to become increasingly important as the old WWW (World Wide Web) internet becomes corrupted by the old legacy-media cabal and the interests that control them.

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TOR is a distributed website hosting/delivery framework that facilitates the original philosophy of free speech on the internet, preventing censorship efforts. It is expected that TOR will grow in popularity in coming years. There is a TOR browser, and Brave is a new and increasingly popular browser that reads both WWW and TOR websites.

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DAT is another distributed website hosting/delivery framework that seeks to bypass censorship efforts. It is still in early stages, and DAT’s Beaker browser allows one to create new website content directly through the browser itself. As a distributed model, hosting of content is not dependent upon a single hosting entity. This approach avoids a single point of failure, where a weak link in the chain like a host that doesn’t like your content for whatever (political or social pressure) reason(s) would not come into play.

There are other similar distributed approaches in a friendly competition to secure the future of the free-speech internet.

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